

德文 芬兰赫尔辛基大学多元文化教育教授;Fred Dervin,Professor of Multicultural Education at the University of Helsinki (Finland)

跨文化教育,多元文化主义社会学以及学生和学术流动 ;Intercultural education, the sociology of multiculturalism and student and academic mobility




Docteur ès Lettres (Language and intercultural education, Université de la Sorbonne- Nouvelle, Paris, France)

PhD (Filosofiaan Tohtori) (Linguistics, University of Turku, Finland, Faculty of Humanities)

PGCE (Canterbury, UK)











被芬兰科学院提名为Nayef Al-Rodham跨文化理解奖(英国学院)(2015年1月)



Faculty of Languages and Adult Education: Adjunct professor (invited) (2015-, University of South Queensland, Australia)

University of Helsinki, Department of Teacher Education (Finland): Tenure Professor (multicultural education, 2012-)

University of Luxembourg, Department of Educational Sciences (invited): Associate Professor (multilingualism, 2014-)

Taylor’s University (Malaysia): Permanent visiting professor in education (2013-)

Docent/Adjunct Professor in French Applied Linguistics (University of Helsinki, 2012-)

University of Montréal (Canada), Department of Theology and Religious Sciences: Associate Professor (doctoral supervisor, 1.5.2011-)

University of Turku, Department of French Studies (Finland): Docent/Adjunct Professor (Language and intercultural education, 1.9.2009-)

University of Eastern Finland, Department of sociology (Finland): Docent/Adjunct Professor (Sociology of multiculturalism, 1.5.2009-)

Programme External Assessor for Languages & Linguistics, University of Malaya (Malaysia) (2014-2017)

Nominated for the Nayef Al-Rodham Prize for Transcultural Understanding (British Academy) by the Finnish Academy of Science (awarded annually for outstanding academic achievement in transcultural understanding), January 2015

Consultant, The UNESCO, Governance in Education BRICS report (autumn 2014)

Tenure track reviewer, Greek Academy of Science (Greece) (2014-)


Education for Diversities (E4D), Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki (2012-)

Chinese Education Research Group (CERG), Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki (2015-)

Cyber anthropology and intercultural communication and education (Maison des Sciences de l’Homme research centre, Paris Nord, France) (2007-2010)

Interacting with Digital Social Actants: the example of the in-car GPS system (Maison des Sciences de l’Homme research centre, Paris Nord, France) (2011-2013)



‘Not all of us Finns communicate the same way either’: Teachers’ Perceptions of Interculturality in Upper Secondary Vocational Education and Training. Itkonen, T., Talib, M-T. & Dervin, F. Journal of Vocational Education and Training.

Migration, Diversity and Education: Beyond Third Culture Kids. Benjamin, S. & Dervin, F. (Eds.). Palgrave Macmillan.

Queering af sprog- og kulturundervisningen? Inspiration av studier af kon og seksualitet. Dervin, F. Sprogforum. 60, s. 21-27.

The alphabet gone wrong? Diversities in three Finnish ABC books. Paavola, H. & Dervin, F. 1 huhtikuuta 2015 Diversities and Interculturality in Textbooks: Finland as an Example. Hahl, K., Niemi, P-M., Johnson Longfor, R. & Dervin, F. (Eds.). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

“Thanks to Scandinavia” and Beyond: Nordic Holocaust Education in the 21st Century. Dervin, F. As the Whitnesses Fall Silent: 21st-century Holocaust Education in Curriculum, Policy and Practice. Gross, Z. & Stevick, E. D. (Eds.). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Analyser l'identité: Les apports des focus groups. Dervin, F. 2015. Paris: L’harmattan.

Chinese Educational Migration and Student-Teacher Mobilities. Dervin, F. 2015 Palgrave Macmillan.

Country ‘hyper-branding’ and the internationalization of Higher Education: Is the ®evolution of interculturality coming? Dervin, F. 2015. World Studies in Education.

Developing a Portfolio of Intercultural Competences in teacher education: The case of a Finnish international programme. Dervin, F. & Hahl, K. 2015. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. 59, 1, s. 95-109.

Diversities and Interculturality in Textbooks: Finland as an Example.Hahl, K. (toim.), Niemi, P-M. (toim.), Johnson Longfor, R. (toim.) & Dervin, F. (Eds.) 2015 Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

“Do I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself (...)”: Representing Intercultural Encounters in Two Finnish History Textbooks Dervin, F., Hahl, K., Härkönen, A. & Layne, H. 2015. In Diversities and Interculturality in Textbooks: Finland as an Example. Hahl, K., Niemi, P-M., Johnson Longfor, R. & Dervin, F. (Eds.). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, s. 149-173.

Foreword. The pleasure of peeking behind the curtains...Dervin, F. 2015. In Crossing Boundaries: Weaving Intercultural Work, Life, and Scholarship in Globalizing Universities. Hua, Z. & Komisarof, A. (Eds.). Routledge.

Holocaust Education in Finland Dervin, F., Matilainen, M., Lyhykäinen, K., Kallioniemi, A., Salmenkivi, E. & Veijo, A-M. 2015 Holocaust Education in the Nordic and Baltic Countries. Dervin, F. (Ed.). (Nordic Studies on Diversity in Education (CSP).

Making the Most of Intercultural Education Layne, H., Tremion, V. (toim.) & Dervin, F. 2015 Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Research on interculturality: The researcher’s role Dervin, F. 2015 Research Methods in Intercultural Communication: A Practical Guide. Hua, Z. (toim.). Wiley.

Researching Identity and Interculturality Dervin, F. (toim.) & Risager, K. (Eds.). 2015 New York: Routledge.

Stepping off the pedestal Dervin, F. 2015 Meanings and Motivation in Education Research. Baguley, M. M., Findlay, Y. S. & Kerby, M. C. (Eds.). London: Routledge, 192-195.

Taking Myths Seriously. Towards Mythologies Of Education: (Afterword). Dervin, F. 2015 Myths in Education, Learning and Teaching : Policies, Practices and Principles. Harmes, M. K., Huisjer, H. & Danaher, P. A. (Eds.).

The best teachers in the world? The depiction of teachers in the Finnish evening press. Punakallio, E. & Dervin, F. 2015. Power and Education.

The New Politics of Global Academic Mobility and Migration. Dervin, F. (toim.) & Machart, R. (Eds.). 2015 Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. (Education beyond Borders. Studies in Educational and Academic Mobility and Migration; vol. Vol. 2)

Towards Post-Intercultural Teacher Education: Analysing 'Extreme'” Intercultural Dialogue to Reconstruct Interculturality.Dervin, F. 2015. European Journal of Teacher Education. 38, 1, s. 71-86.


Au-delà du nationalisme méthodologique : l’interculturel sans essentialisme. / Dervin, Fred.

In: Raisons Politiques, 05.2014.

Reflexivity in Language and Intercultural Education : Rethinking Multilingualism and Interculturality. / Byrd Clark, Julie S. (Editor); Dervin, Fred.

New York, NY : Routledge, 2014. 254 p. (Routledge studies in language and intercultural communication; No. 2).

Dancing in Fetters? Chinese principals’ perceptions of the effects of Finnish training programs. / Xing, Xin; Dervin, Fred.

In: Frontiers of Education in China, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2014, p. 211-237.

Developing a Portfolio of Intercultural Competences in teacher education: The case of a Finnish international programme. / Dervin, Fred; Hahl, Kaisa.

In: Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 2014.

Discourses of Othering. / Dervin, Fred. In: International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction.. ed. / / Karen Tracy. Boston : Wiley, 2014.

Escalier: ranskaa lukioon ja aikuisille. 4. / Dervin, Fred; Kemppainen, Katja; Laine, Katariina ; Mokhtari, Nabil ; Tenhunen, Tytti.

Helsinki : Sanoma Pro, 2014. 288 p.

Exploring ‘New’ Interculturality Online. / Dervin, Fred.

In: Language and Intercultural Communication, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2014, p. 191-206.

Foreword. / Dervin, Fred. In: Echoes: Ethics and Issues of Voice in Education Research.. ed. / / Warren Midgley; Andy Davies; Mark E. Oliver; Patrick Alan Danaher. Rotterdam : Sense Publishers, 2014. p. vii-ix.

Informal Preparation of Chinese students for Study Abroad.. / Dervin, Fred. In: Chinese Education in the Globalized World. .. ed. / / S. Guo; Y. Guo. Sense Publishers, 2014.

Interreligious dialogue in schools: Beyond asymmetry and categorisation?. / Riitaoja, Anna-Leena; Dervin, Fred.

In: Language and Intercultural Communication, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2014, p. 76-90.

Les nouveaux enjeux des mobilités et migrations académiques. / Dervin, Fred; Machart, Regis. Paris : L'Harmattan, 2014. 220 p.

L’EduHub malaisien entre tradition et désirs de reconnaissance. / Machart, Régis; Dervin, Fred.

In: Cahiers de la recherche sur l'éducation et les savoirs, Vol. 13, 2014, p. 53-72.

Representing the Chinese student in literature: The case of A Concise Chinese- English Dictionary FOR LOVERS (恋人版中英词典). / Dervin, Fred; Gao, Minghui.

In: Transfers, Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies, 2014.

Researching Identity and Interculturality. / Dervin, Fred (Editor); Risager, Karen (Editor).

Routledge, 2014. 260 p.

Towards Post-Intercultural Teacher Education: Analysing 'Extreme'” Intercultural Dialogue to Reconstruct Interculturality. / Dervin, Fred.

In: European Journal of Teacher Education, 2014.

Évaluer les apports interculturels des mobilités estudiantines. Nécessité d’être critique et de se battre contre le sens commun pour éviter les impasses et les impostures. / Dervin, Fred.

In: Cap.M : les cahiers aquitains perspective métiers, Vol. 2014, No. numéro spécial, 2014, p. 31-35.

“Talking just about learning languages and getting to know cultures is something that’s mentioned in very many applications”: Student and staff imaginaries about study abroad. / Härkönen, Anu; Dervin, Fred.

In: Journal of International Mobility, 2014.

IJE4D-journal - the International Journal of Education for Diversities: Volume 2, 2013. / Dervin, Fred (Editor); Machart, Regis (Editor); Byrd Clark, Julie (Editor).

Helsinki : University of Helsinki, 2013. 90 p. (The International Journal of Education for Diversities, IJE4D Journal; Vol. 2).

Foreword: Learning and teaching culture beyond fantasies?. / Dervin, Fred. In: Teaching and Learning Culture: Negotiating the Context.. ed. / / Mads Jakob Kirkebæk; Xiang-Yun Du; Annie Aarup Jensen. Rotterdam : Sense Publishers, 2013. p. vii-xiii.

Politics of identification in the use of lingua francas in student mobility to Finland and France. / Dervin, Fred. In: Social and Cultural Aspects of Language Learning in Study Abroad.. ed. / / Celeste Kinginger. Amsterdam : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2013. p. 101-126 (Language Learning & Language Teaching; No. 37).

Le mythe de l'éducation finlandaise. / Dervin, Fred. Nantes : Université de Nantes, 2013.

Escalier 3 : ranskaa lukioon ja aikuisille. / Altschuler, Jonina; Dervin, Fred; Laine, Katariina; Tenhunen, Tytti; Punkkinen, Suvi.

Helsinki : Sanoma Pro Oy, 2013. 243 p.

Researching identity and interculturality : Moving away from methodological nationalism for good?. / Dervin, Fred. In: Intersecting Identities and Interculturality: Discourse and Practice .. ed. / / Regis Machart; Choon Bee Lim; Sep Neo Lim; Eriko Yamato. Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. p. 1-29.

Pour faire face à la crise de l'interculturel. / Dervin, Fred. In: Éloge du divers et du dialogue.. ed. / / Driss Alaoui. Presses universitaires de Sainte Gemme, 2013. p. 57-74.

A Guide to Interculturality for International and Exchange Students in Finland: An Example of Hostipitality?. / Dervin, Fred; Layne, Heidi.

In: Journal of Multicultural Discourses, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2013, p. 1-19.

Analysing Identity and Otherness in Multicultural Teacher Education: What Can(not) be Done?. / Dervin, Fred; Paavola, Heini; Talib, Mirja-Tytti.

In: Teaching Education, 2013.

Cocoon Communities: Togetherness in the 21st Century. / Korpela, Mari (Editor); Dervin, Fred (Editor).

Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. 187 p.

Do intercultural couples “see culture everywhere”? Case studies from couples who share a lingua franca in Finland and Hong Kong. / Dervin, Fred.

In: Civilisations, Vol. 2013, No. 62, 2013, p. 131-148.

Johdanto uuteen kulttuurienväliseen viestintään ja kasvatukseen. / Dervin, Fred; Keihäs, Laura.

Turku : FERA Suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura, 2013. 160 p. (Kasvatusalan tutkimuksia; No. 63).

Kasvatus - Monikulttuurisuuden teemanumero, vol. 44 (2013) : 3 : Kohti kasvatuksellista monimuotoisuutta? Monikulttuurinen ja interkulttuurinen kasvatus suomalaisessa koulussa ja opettajankoulutuksessa. / Paavola, Heini; Dervin, Fred; Talib, Mirja-Tytti.

Jyväskylä : Suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura, 2013. 344 p. (Kasvatus; Vol. 44, No. 3).

Kohti kasvatuksellista monimuotoisuutta? Monikulttuurinen ja interkulttuurinen kasvatus suomalaisessa koulussa ja opettajankoulutuksessa. / Dervin, Fred; Paavola, Heini; Talib, Mirja-Tytti.

In: Kasvatus, Vol. 44, No. 3, 2013, p. 241-244.

La meilleure éducation au monde? Contre-enquête sur la Finlande. / Dervin, Fred. Paris : L'Harmattan, 2013. 112 p. (Questions Contemporaines).

Le concept de culture: Comprendre et maîtriser ses détournements et manipulations. / Dervin, Fred (Editor).

Paris : L'Harmattan, 2013. 193 p.

Le graal de la compétence interculturelle : évaluer l’inévaluable en FLE : The graal of intercultural competence: assessing the unassessable in FFL. / Dervin, Fred.

In: Le Francais dans le Monde. Recherches et Applications, No. No 53, 2013, p. 105- 112.

Linguistics for Intercultural Education. / Dervin, Fred; Liddicoat, Anthony J. (Editor). John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2013. 201 p. (Language Learning & Language Teaching; Vol. 2013, No. 33).

Making sense of education for diversities: Criticality, reflexivity and language. / Dervin, Fred. In: Multicultural Education: From Theory to Practice.. ed. / / Hasan Arslan; Georgeta Raţă. Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. p. 85-101.

Quelles transversalités multilingues et interdisciplinaires en didactique des langues et des cultures? : Le cas de la revue Synergies Europe. / Dervin, Fred; Byrd Clark, Julie.

In: Études en didactique des langues, Vol. 2013, No. 21, 2013, p. 37-52.

Relations intimes interculturelles. / Dervin, Fred (Editor). Paris : Éditions des Archives contemporaines, 2013. 214 p.

Rethinking the Acculturation and Assimilation of 'Others' in a 'Monocultural' Country: Forms of Intercultural Pygmalionism in two Finnish Novels. / Dervin, Fred. In: Journal of Intercultural Studies : an international journal, Vol. 34, No. 4, 2013, p.356-370.

Thanks to Scandinavia? Holocaust Education in the Nordic Countries.. / Dervin, Fred. In: Handbook of Holocaust Education... Springer, 2013.

Towards post-cultural education in Finland?. / Dervin, Fred. In: Oppiminen ja pedagogiset käytännöt varhaiskasvatuksesta perusopetukseen.. ed. / / Kirsi Pyhältö; Erja Vitikka. Helsinki : Opetushallitus, 2013. p. 21-31 (Oppaat ja käsikirjat; No. 2013:9).

Turbulence in intercultural communication education: does it affect Finnish higher education?. / Dervin, Fred; Tournebise, Céline. In: Intercultural Education, Vol. 24, No. 6, 2013, p. 532-543.

La Finlande : un pays où l’évaluation des enseignants n’existe pas ? : Finland: a country where the evaluation of teachers does not exist?. / Dervin, Fred; Järvinen, Heini-Marja. In: Les langues modernes, Vol. 106, No. 4, 12.2012, p. 53-61.

Les rendez-vous ratés de l’interculturel en éducation? : Une étude de cas de l’éducation à la communication interculturelle en Finlande. / Dervin, Fred; Tournebis, Céline. In: SEMEN, Vol. 34, 12.2012, p. 135-157.

International sociodigital interaction: what politics of interculturality’?. / Dervin, Fred. In: Language and Intercultural Communication in the New Era.. ed. / / Farzad Sharifian; Maryam Jamarani. Abingdon : Routledge, 2012. p. 83-98 (Routledge Studies in Language and Intercultural Communication).

Les croisières académiques mènent-elles à de l’interculturel ? Le cas du Scholar Ship (2007-2008) : Can academic cruises lead to the 'intercultural'? The example of the Scholar Ship (2007-2008). / Dervin, Fred. In: Etudes caribéennes, Vol. 18, 11.2012.

Respondent's Text: Taking Researching With Vs. Researching On Seriously: A Detour Via the Intercultural?. / Dervin, Fred. In: The Role of Participants in Education Research: Ethics, Epistemologies, and Methods .. ed. / / Warren Midgley; Patrick Alan Danaher; Margaret Baguley. New York, NY : Routledge, 2012.

Synergies France, Numéro 9 - Année 2012 : L'autonomie dans les pratiques éducatives. / Dervin, Fred; Badrinathan, Vasumathi (Editor).

Sylvains-les-Moulins : Gerflint, 2012. 132 p. (Synergies France; Vol. 2012, No. 9).

Vers un apprentissage de l’être-ensemble postmoderne ? Représentations de la socialité Erasmus en Finlande. / Dervin, Fred. In: Le discours et la langue, Vol. 3, No. 2, 11.2012, p. 153-166.

Le GPS a-t-il une identité ? Perceptions et co-constructions des GPS de véhicules et de leurs utilisateurs sur des forums de discussion. / Dervin, Fred. In: Synergies Pays Riverains de la Baltique, Vol. 2012, No. 9, 09.2012, p. 107-118.

Synergies Pays Riverains de la Baltique special issue "Quelle place pour les objets dans les sciences du langage et les sciences de la communication ? ", Numéro 9 - Année 2012. / Dervin, Fred (Editor); Paveau, Marie-Anne (Editor).

Le Buisson Chevalier : Gerflint, 2012. 149 p. (Synergies Pays Riverains de la Baltique; Vol. 2012, No. 9).

Pour une recherche interculturelle de "taille humaine". / Dervin, Fred; Debono, Marc. In: Quelles recherches qualitatives en sciences humaines?: approches interdisciplinaires de la diversité.. ed. / / Cécile Goï. Paris : L'Harmattan, 2012. p. 87-108 (Espaces discursifs).

Quel dialogue entre les mondes francophones et anglophones dans la recherche sur l’enseignement-apprentissage des langues et « cultures » ? La revue Alsic comme étude de cas : La revue Alsic comme étude de cas. / Dervin, Fred; Ljalikova, Aleksandra. In: Synergies Royaume Uni et Irlande, Vol. 2012, No. 5, 08.2012, p. 51-63.

Rants Against Multiculturalism Caught on Camera in Britain: Racism Without Races?. / Dervin, Fred. In: Workshop Proceedings: Debating Multiculturalism .. ed. / / Steve Garner; Seref Kavak. London : Dialogue Society, 2012. p. 179-191.

Constructing a Fairy Tale around Intercultural Couplehood on Chinese Television. / Dervin, Fred; Gao, Minghui. In: Language and Intercultural Communication, Vol. 12, No. 1, 31.01.2012, p. 6-23.

Anthropology, Interculturality and Language Learning-Teaching. Anthropologies, interculturalité et enseignement-apprentissage des langues : How compatible are they? Quelle(s) compatibilité(s) ? . / Dervin, Fred (Editor); Fracchiolla, Béatrice (Editor).

Bern : Peter Lang, 2012. 207 p. (Transversales; Vol. Vol. 32).

Impostures interculturelles. / Dervin, Fred.

Paris : L'Harmattan, 2012. 137 p. (Logiques sociales).

Keeping up appearances before the Other? Interculturality and Occidentalism in the educational TV-programme Happy Chinese (快乐汉语). / Dervin, Fred; Gao, Minghui. In: Frontiers of Education in China, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2012, p. 553–575.

Multicultural Education in Finland: Renewed Intercultural Competences to the Rescue?. / Dervin, Fred; Paatela-Nieminen, Martina; Kuoppala, Kaisa; Riitaoja, Anna- Leena. In: International Journal of Multicultural Education, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2012, p. 1-13.

Multiculturalism as a Foucauldian technology of power: Constructing of Muslim religious identity online in FInland and the Quebec province (Canada). / Riikonen, Tanja; Dervin, Fred. In: Nordic Journal of Migration Research, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2012, p. 35-44.

Towards Flexible Pre- and Primary Education in Multicultural Contexts? An Example of Collaborative Action Research in Finland. / Paavola, Heini; Kopisto, Kaisa; Brotherus, Annu; Dervin, Fred. In: Learning Spaces for Social Justice: international perspectives on exemplary practices from preschool to secondary school.. ed. / / Hanna Ragnarsdóttir; Clea Schmidt. Vol. 2012 Stoke on Trent : Trentham Books, 2012.

Utilisation des langues chez des couples interculturels à Hong Kong : quels impacts sur les constructions identitaires?. / Dervin, Fred. In: Enfances, familles, générations, Vol. 2012, No. 17, 2012, p. 98-118.


A plea for change in research on intercultural discourses : A ‘liquid’ approach to the study of the acculturation of Chinese students. / Dervin, Fred. In: Journal of Multicultural Discourses, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2011, p. 37-52.

Analysing the Consequences of Academic Mobility and Migration. / Dervin, Fred (Editor).

Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011. 179 p.

Anthropologie et didactique des langues et des « cultures » : une cohabitation fructueuse ?. / Dervin, Fred. In: Journal des anthropologues, Vol. 2011, No. 126-127, 2011.

Introducing Intercultural Communication : [Book Review]. / Dervin, Fred. In: Language and Intercultural Communication, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2011, p. 408-410.

Les identités des couples interculturels : en finir vraiment avec la culture?. / Dervin, Fred.

Paris : L'Harmattan, 2011. 99 p. (Logiques sociales).

Les études francophones en Finlande : entre francophonie liquide et solide ?. / Dervin, Fred; Johansson, Marjut. In: Alternative Francophone , Vol. 1, No. 4, 2011, p. 30-41.

Politics of interculturality. / Dervin, Fred (Editor); Gajardo, Anahy (Editor); Lavanchy, Anne (Editor).

Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011. 221 p.

The repression of us- and we-hoods in European exchange students’ narratives about their experiences in Finland. / Dervin, Fred. In: Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology & Sociology, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2011, p. 71-84.

Bergson, précurseur des mobilités académiques contemporaines?. / Dervin, Fred. In: Cahiers de Framespa, Vol. 2010, No. 6, 2010.

Multi-positioning of the self and the other in a radio documentary about the work of an anthropologist: (co-)constructing truth and silence in a case of incest. / Dervin, Fred. In: Constructing identity in interpersonal communication = Construction identitaire dans la communication interpersonelle = Identitätskonstruction in der interpersonalen Kommunikation.. ed. / / Minna Palander-Collin; Hartmut Lenk; Minna Nevala; Päivi Sihvonen; Marjo Vesalainen. Helsinki : Société Néophilologique, 2010. p. 377-389 (Mémoires de la Société néophilologique de Helsinki; No. 81).

Pistes pour renouveler l’interculturel en éducation. / Dervin, Fred. In: Recherches en éducation, Vol. 2010, No. 9, 2010, p. 32-42.

Pour une cyberanthropologie de la communication interculturelle – Analyse d'interactions en ligne entre étudiants finlandais et roumains. / Dervin, Fred; Vlad, Monica. In: ALSIC. Apprentissages des Langues et Systèmes d'Information et de Communication, Vol. 13, 2010.


Apprendre à co-construire par la rencontre : approche actionnelle de l’interculturel à l’université. / Dervin, Fred. In: Le Francais dans le Monde. Recherches et Applications, Vol. 2009, No. 45, 2009, p. 111-121.

Cercles francophones et français lingua franca : pour une francophonie liquide. / Johansson, Marjut; Dervin, Fred. In: International Journal of Francophone Studies, Vol. 12, No. 2/3, 2009, p. 385-404.

The others as impediments to ‘integration’ into Finnish society: the case of exchange students in higher education. / Dervin, Fred. In: Research on Finnish society, Vol. 2, 2009, p. 19-27.

Transcending the culturalist impasse in stays abroad: helping mobile students to appreciate diverse diversities. / Dervin, Fred. In: Frontiers : The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad , Vol. 18, 2009, p. 119-141.

Vers de nouvelles professionnalités de l'enseignant en langues étrangères et en culture. / Marie-José, Barbot; Dervin, Fred. In: La communication éducative et les TIC: épistémologie et pratiques .. ed. / / Mohamed Sidir. Paris : Hermes sciences publications : Lavoisier, 2009. p. 123-139 (Traité des sciences et techniques de l'information ).


Ranskalaiset kliseet kotisivun www.ranska.net keskustelupalstoilla. / Dervin, Fred. In: Suomalaisten Ranska: kaunis tuntematon.. ed. / / Louis Clerc; Kristina Ranki. Helsinki : Ajatus, 2008.


Choix en matière de curriculum à l’université finlandaise et expertise à l’oral. / Dervin, Fred; Johansson, Marjut. In: Travaux de didactique de FLE, Vol. 2007, No. 57, 2007, p. 27-47.

Des apports de la réflexivité didactique et interculturelle contre l’éclectisme incontrôlé: le cas de l’enseignant caméléon du FLE à Hong Kong. / Dervin, Fred. In: Synergies Chine, Vol. 2007, No. 2, 2007, p. 85-93.

Podcasting and intercultural imagination: Othering and Self-solidifying around tapas and siesta. / Dervin, Fred. In: Journal of Culture, Language and Representation, Vol. 4, 2007, p. 67-91.


Can the study of non-places lead Erasmus students to “liquify locals”? On anthropology and intercultural competence in student mobility.. / Dervin, Fred. In: Enhancing the Erasmus Experience: Papers on student mobility.. ed. / / Catherine Way; David Limon. Granada : Atrio, 2006. p. 175-191 (Traducciónen el atrio; No. 9).

On Liquid Interculturality. Finnish and Latvian student teachers’ perceptions of intercultural competence. / Dervin, Fred; Dirba, Māra. In: Language Learners of Today = Kielenoppija tänään.. ed. / / Päivi Pietilä; Pekka Lintunen; Heini-Marja Järvinen. Jyväskylä : Suomen soveltavan kielitieteen yhdistys AFinLA, 2006. p. 257-271 (Suomen soveltavan kielitieteen yhdistyksen (AFinLA) julkaisuja; No. 64), (AFinLAn vuosikirja; Vol. 2006).


Faire l'amitié interculturelle : perseverare diabolicum?. / Dervin, Fred. In: Migrations société, Vol. 17, No. 97, 2005, p. 79-91.


Définition et évaluation de la compétence interculturelle en contexte de mobilité : ouvertures : Defining and assessing intercultural competence in student mobility. / Dervin, Fred. In: Moderna språk, Vol. 98, No. 1, 2004, p. 68-77.
